
You can help us to support the most vulnerable people in your community by raising vital funds for The Florrie, helping to prevent social isolation, food poverty & providing vital support to people who need it.

There are loads of great ways you can fundraise for us & to help you out we’ve created the fundraising pack which you can view & download on this page. It’s full of information & ideas to inspire & aid your fundraising efforts.

If you need any more help or information just drop us an email on

Seting up your own fundraiser

Once you’ve registered for a challenge or decided on an event to organize, you’re ready to start fundraising!

First, you’ll have to set up your own fundraising page. We recommend using GoFundMe to set up your online fundraiser as it allows the funds raised to come straight to the charity without you handling any cash. You can set it up by searching for “The Florrie” at this link and following the instructions on the page.

Remember to make your page as attractive as possible with a photo and details about what you are doing. Share the link with friends, family, and work colleagues on your email, social media accounts, and give regular updates to maximize your fundraising.

You can also print off our Florrie Sponsorship Form. This is a good method for people who don’t have access to the internet or prefer to give cash. Once you’ve collected donations, you can bring them into The Florrie or upload them to an online fundraiser yourself.

We can help promote your event via our website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, so please remember to get in touch beforehand and remember to tag The Florrie in all your updates.

Current fundraisers

The Florrie Preservation Campaign

This is the official fundraiser for the preservation & repair of our Grade II listed building.

Walk Florrie Goes International

Walk Florrie will head to Vallecas to help to establish a men’s wellbeing group & raise awareness about men's mental health.

Lee's 100,000 Steps

Lee Hughes is walking 100,000 steps in a single day to raise funds for The Florrie Preservation Campaign.